Effect of Social Distancing on Coronavirus Disease 2019 Spread Controlling: A Mathematical Modeling


  • Ritika Yaduvanshi Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mahamaya College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Akbarpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Nimisha Yadav Department of Mathematics, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Prince Rajpoot Department of Information Technology, Rajkiya Engineering College Ambedkar Nagar, Akbarpur, Uttar Pradesh, India




Coronavirus, Coronavirus disease 2019, Mathematical model, Pandemic, Reproduction number, Social distancing


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19), the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, has posed an unprecedented public health threat to China and many other countries in the world at present, with a significant effect on health and public health systems, individual lives and national and world economic. COVID-19 has been declared by the WHO as a pandemic. The structures of public contact significantly determine spread of this infection and, in the absence of vaccines, the control of these structures through extensive social distancing measures have appeared to be the most effective means of mitigation. In this paper, to examine the impact of social distancing in COVID 19 distribution, we propose mathematical model using direct correlation between social exposure and reproduction number. We show that the calculation of social distance is an efficient way of monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in the absence of vaccines. In India, we have also calculated that the basic reproduction number is 2.5.


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How to Cite

Ritika Yaduvanshi, Nimisha Yadav, & Prince Rajpoot. (2021). Effect of Social Distancing on Coronavirus Disease 2019 Spread Controlling: A Mathematical Modeling. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 8(1), 48–52. https://doi.org/10.21276/apjhs.2021.8.1.10