Breast Cancer and Its Treatments: A Comprehensive Review


  • Joshi Zankhna Rajeshbhai Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sat Kaival College of Pharmacy, Anand, Gujarat, India
  • Mayank Bapna Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sat Kaival College of Pharmacy, Anand, Gujarat, India
  • Bhagirath Patel Department of Pharmacology, Sat Kaival College of Pharmacy, Anand, Gujarat, India



Breast cancer, Cancer, Gene, Women


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women worldwide. Prediction models can aid in the development of screening recommendations based on the presence of identified and quantifiable hormonal, environmental, family, or genetic risk factors. This condition has an effect on a woman’s physical, mental, and social well-being, among other things. During an illness, however, things such as social and family support can help to reduce its effects. While the (exact) cause of breast cancer remains unknown, the disease’s risk factors have been established. Age, a family history of breast cancer, specific changes in the breast(s), gene changes, a history of productivity and menopause, a lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, obesity, diet, race, and chest radiation therapy are all factors that contribute to breast cancer.


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How to Cite

Joshi Zankhna Rajeshbhai, Mayank Bapna, & Bhagirath Patel. (2021). Breast Cancer and Its Treatments: A Comprehensive Review. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 8(2), 90–94.