Ovarian ectopic pregnancy- a report of 2 cases and review of literature
Ovary, Ectopic, Pregnancy, Ruptured Ovary, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Ectopic GestationAbstract
Ovarian pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy accounting upto .3-3% of all non tubal ectopics. Even though the incidence of ovarian ectopic pregnancies is on a rise attributable to recent advancements in the field of reproductive medicine especially the assisted reproductive techniques, primary ovarian ectopic is still a rarely encountered entity in clinical practice. We present 2 such rare cases diagnosed clinically and proven histopathologically. We conclude that owing to the risk of circulatory failure as well as permanent damage to the ovaries it is imperative to keep a high suspicion index and diagnose them early in the course of disease.
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