Patient’s Perspective on Barriers and Facilitators in Management of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review


  • Divya Tripathi Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
  • Anjali Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
  • Komal Rathi Department of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
  • Pooja Tiwari Technical Coordinator, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, India



Barriers, Facilitators, Type 2 diabetes, Patient’s perspective


Objective: The purpose of this review is to summarize existing knowledge regarding various barriers and facilitators in the management of Type 2 diabetes from the perspective of patients. Method: A comprehensive electronic search was conducted which included three sources PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science, and studies from 1997 to 2021 were included. Around 1687 papers were screened and 46 studies were included in the final analysis. Result: Three major areas of barriers and facilitators in Type 2 diabetes management were identified: Individual factors: factors which are emerging due to a patient’s personal ability to take care of type 2 diabetes (adherence to diet, physical activity, self-monitoring of blood glucose, medication adherence, psychological factors: this includes emotional factors, beliefs and attitude of patients. Organizational factors: it includes diabetes education factors, economic constraints and health care provider’s issues and social factors: this includes factors associated with family, friends, and others social issues. Conclusion: Identifying barriers to diabetes management is vital to improve the quality of care of diabetes patients, including the improvement of glycemic control, and diabetes self-management. Further research which considers these barriers and facilitators are necessary for developing interventions for individuals with type 2 diabetes.


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How to Cite

Divya Tripathi, Anjali, Komal Rathi, & Pooja Tiwari. (2021). Patient’s Perspective on Barriers and Facilitators in Management of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 8(4), 79–86.