Investigation of the relation between doing breast self- examination (BSE) of the students and perception of health
Breast cancer, perception of health, breast self-examination, studentAbstract
Aim: This study was conducted to investigate the relation between breast self-examination of the students and perception of health. Material &Method: The study was conducted with 869 girl students as descriptive. Informative Questionnaire Form and Perception of Health Scale were used for collecting data. For study, ethical institute consent, institute consent and verbal consent from participants were obtained. For analysis, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, percentage) and Many Whitney U test were used. Results: Of the students; 26% were student at department of economy, 35.6% were at the first class and average age was 20.81±1.7. The students stated that early diagnosis was important in breast cancer (84.7%), they knew BSE (60.5%), and they did this examination (33.3%) when they remembered (64.7%). Also, of the students; 80.8% stated breast cancer history was a risk factor, 67.4% told pain in breast and 60.1% told axillary nodule as symptoms for breast cancer. Again, they stated that breast cancer could be diagnosed by doctor examination (33.7%), mammography (30.8%) and BSE (20.3%). Also, of the students; 33.7% stated that they didn’t know BSE and 12.3% didn’t do BSE because of they thought they were young. In the study, perception of health was higher in students who perform breast selfexamination than others. Conclusion: In the study, it is seen that more than half of the students knew BSE but they performed it as a low rate and rate of performing regular examination was low. Again, it is determined that perception of health was higher in students who perform breast self-examination than others.
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