Erectile dysfunctıon: the factors of erectıle dysfunction among men diabetic mellitus type 2


  • Dr. Özlem Ceyhan Erciyes University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kayseri, Turkey
  • Teame Russom Hadgu Department of Internal Diseases Nursing
  • Pınar Tekinsoy Kartın Erciyes University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kayseri, Turkey



Diabetes mellitus T2, erectile dysfunction, factors of erectile dysfunction, men


Erectile dysfunction (ED) as sexual dissatisfaction in diabetic mellitus type 2 (DM T2) in men has many psychological, social, and
functional problems. However, it is often overlooked by health professionals and around half of male DM patients never discuss
or share their problems with their caregivers. In addition, findings in regard to the significance of DM T2 in ED development are
varying. Therefore, the objective of this review was to determine the associations between ED and DM T2 in men and to discriminate
the determining factors of ED in DM T2 men. The current review used a solid body of research findings that indicate poorly
controlled blood sugar, advancing age, duration from the diagnosis of DM, lipid panel irregularity, high body mass index (BMI),
and unhealthy lifestyles as the major determining factors of ED in DM T2 in men. Therefore, health-care providers are expected to
consider ED as a medical condition that requires regular screening of all DM T2 male patients, as it is routinely applying for other
common complications of diabetes in medical practices, for early diagnosis, effective management, and complication prevention.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Özlem Ceyhan, Erciyes University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kayseri, Turkey

Department of Internal Diseases Nursing,

Teame Russom Hadgu, Department of Internal Diseases Nursing

 Erciyes University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kayseri, Turkey

Pınar Tekinsoy Kartın, Erciyes University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kayseri, Turkey

Department of Internal Diseases Nursing




How to Cite

Dr. Özlem Ceyhan, Teame Russom Hadgu, & Pınar Tekinsoy Kartın. (2018). Erectile dysfunctıon: the factors of erectıle dysfunction among men diabetic mellitus type 2. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 5(2), 9–12.