The validity of Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA-SF) questionnaire in screening malnutrition among elderly aged 60 years and above in urban Coimbatore


  • Anil C Mathew PSG Institute of Medical Sciences andResearch, Coimbatore, India
  • Jomy Jose St. Thomas College, Pala, Arunapuram, India
  • Athira S St. Thomas College, Pala, Arunapuram, India
  • M Vijayakumar PSG Institute of Medical Sciences andResearch, Coimbatore, India



Malnutrition, MNA Questionnaire, MNA-SF, Validity


Malnutrition in old age is a significant problem. Mini Nutritional Assessment is a widely used international questionnaire to evaluate nutritional status of elderly. However its length limits its usefulness for screening. Rubenstein and colleagues developed a six question MNA Short-Form (MNA-SF). Later Kaiser et al. proposed top 10 revised versions of MNA-SF. The aim of the present study is to check the validity of MNA-SF proposed by Rubenstein and colleagues and further evaluate the top 10 revised combinations suggested by Kaiser et al.


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Author Biographies

Anil C Mathew, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences andResearch, Coimbatore, India

Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Community Medicine,

Jomy Jose, St. Thomas College, Pala, Arunapuram, India

Trainee Biostatistician, Department of Biostatistics,

Athira S, St. Thomas College, Pala, Arunapuram, India

Trainee Biostatistician, Department of Biostatistics, 

M Vijayakumar, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences andResearch, Coimbatore, India

Community Medicine PG 3rd Year, Department of Community Medicine, 




How to Cite

Anil C Mathew, Jomy Jose, Athira S, & M Vijayakumar. (2015). The validity of Mini Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA-SF) questionnaire in screening malnutrition among elderly aged 60 years and above in urban Coimbatore. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 2(3), 43–46.

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