Evaluation of Otitis Media in patients of rural background attending OPD of a tertiary Medical Institute
Otitis Media, rural, OPD, CSOM, AudiometryAbstract
Introduction: Otitis media can cause a mild to moderate hearing loss, due to the fluid interfering with the transmission of sound through to the inner ear. It can often affect the tympanic membrane causing it to retract or become inflamed. Poor hearing retards development of speech and impacts adversely upon mental ability and self confidence resulting into social burden. Condition of CSOM and hearing retardation seems to be a “tip of iceberg” in rural area people of villages hence this study. Methods: This study was carried out as a Cross Sectional Analytical study. 100 Randomly selected Patients Coming to the ENT Clinics / OPD were evaluated in this study . Evaluation was also performed in Audiology Units. Study included thorough history taking, General & Otological examination , tuning fork examination (for screening) & pure tone audiometry Results: We noted that there was significant difference in Clinical features in Patients coming to attend OPD , Otorrhoea being most common presenting feature . On examination the majority of finding recorded was CSOM with safe perforation Audiological examination-at a glance showed mild to moderate conductive hearing loss in maximum patients. Conclusion: Discharging ears are grossly neglected in our society .Prevalence rates of CSOM are variable depending on different social strata, different racial groups and different study groups. There is a need to take immediate measures for prevention and control of Otitis Media in all age groups of people living in rural areas . Awareness campaigns about the common causes, complications and correct practices are recommended.
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