A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of PIH among antenatal primi gravida mothers in selected hospital, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Antenatal mother, primi gravida, level of knowledge, pregnancy induced hypertensionAbstract
Background: Lo, children are a heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward. “Bountiful birth and human being born brings us into the spirit of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and brave and the body, a wonder of wisdom.” Having a baby is absolutely solitary joyful experiences in a women‟s life. The child birth for a mother is an important contribution to the motherhood and is highly personal and individual experience. Journey in life is equally important as arriving at the destination. They crossing towards giving child birth can be a long and painful experience but the outcome is very sweet. Women may not have problems during pregnancy but some are not so lucky, face various problems related to pregnancy and child birth. In India mothers and children who constitute a large group are highly vulnerable and many problems make them a special risk. Pregnancy is a one of the wonderful and Nobel service by nature, no women shrink, most of the normal physiological process and not a disease, but it is associated with certain risks to the mother and for the infant she bears. These risks are common in every society and every setting, but in developed countries these risks have been largely overcome because every pregnant woman has access to special care. Still some of pregnant womens with elevated blood pressure have normal babies without any serious problems, but elevated blood pressure can be dangerous for equally the mother as well as fetus. Women with pre obtainable disorders are further likely to have complications during pregnancy then
those with usual blood pressure. Conversely some women expand high blood pressure while they are pregnant habitually called gestational hypertension. The result of elevated blood pressure can damage the mother‟s kidneys and other organs and it can leads to low birth weight and early delivery. In the most of the serious cases the mother develops pre Eclampsia or Toxemia of fetus. Objective: The main aim of the study was to bring the positive outcome of knowledge among antenatal primi mothers regarding prevention of pregnancy induced hypertension in shri Mahant Indiresh hospital, Patel nagar, Dehradun. Materials and Methods: A simple descriptive study was undertaken at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital at Dehradun from July 18th, 2012 to 25th July were data was collected from 60 antenatal mothers. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of knowledge among antenatal primi mothers regarding prevention of PIH. The instruments used for data collection was questionnaire method which consists of knowledge regarding prevention of PIH data was analyzed using questionnaire method. Results: The findings are summarized as around 65% of antenatal mothers were age between 21-25 years. About 80% of antenatal mothers were Hindu background, 40% of graduated antenatal mothers, 75% of antenatal mothers were house wives, 55% of antenatal mothers were from nuclear family, and 70% of antenatal mothers from urban area. About 75% of antenatal mothers were had previous knowledge regarding PIH, and 50% of them got sources of information from televisions. Conclusion: Highest (68%) of antenatal mothers were having average knowledge, 25% of them were having good knowledge, and only 7% were having poor knowledge regarding prevention of PIH.
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